1998 Professional Activities of District Staff
 | Chaired program on Stormwater Management at National Association of Flood and Stormwater
Management Agencies (NAFSMA) annual conference, in
Denver in September. |
 | Member of Board of Directors and Chairman of the Stormwater Management Committee of
 | Member of the Stormwater Phase II Advisory Subcommittee, formed pursuant to the Federal
Advisory Committee Act to assist in developing the EPA
Phase II stormwater program. |
 | Presenter of Large Municipal Case Study at Conference on Urban Stormwater Management in
the Southwest: Cost-Effective Structural Solutions in Long Beach, CA in September. |
 | Presenter of Regional Issues at American Society of Civil
Engineers continuing education course on Applications in Stormwater Management in
Denver in February. |
 | Presenter of Phase II impacts on local governments at Stormwater Workshop at National League of Cities annual Congressional Cities
Conference in Washington, DC in March. |
Dave Lloyd, Chief, Design and Construction Program
 | Co-authored, with Bill DeGroot, and presented "Acquisition and Relocation as a
Floodplain Management Tool" at ASCE's conference in Chicago in June. |
 | Co-presented, with Chuck McKnight from Sellards & Grigg, Inc., "A Case Study of
the Goldsmith Gulch Flood Control Project" at the NAFSMA annual conference in Denver
in September. |
 | Co-authored and co-presented, with.Mary Kay Provaznik from HDR Engineering,
"Sustainable Watersheds - The Little Dry Creek Experience" at the CASFM annual
conference in Steamboat Springs in September. |
 | Speaker on District activities at Arapahoe County Mayors and Managers meeting in August.
Bill DeGroot, Chief, Floodplain Management
 | Chair of the Floodplain Management Committee of the National Association of Flood and
Stormwater Management Agencies (NAFSMA), and chaired
two sessions on Floodplain Management Issues at NAFSMA's annual meeting in Denver in Sept. |
 | NAFSMA's technical advisor to the Technical Mapping Advisory Council. |
 | Member of ASCE's Technical Mapping Advisory Task
Committee. |
 | Co-authored, with Dave Lloyd, and presented "Acquisition and Relocation as a
Floodplain Management Tool" at the Association of State Floodplain Managers annual
conference in Milwaukee in May and at the Colorado Association of Stormwater and
Floodplain Managers annual conference in Steamboat Springs in October. |
 | Presented "Flood Insurance Rate Maps, A Local Perspective" at the Annual Flood
Conference in Atlanta in June. |
Kevin Stewart, Project Engineer, Floodplain
Management Program
 | National Hydrologic Warning Council (NHWC)
Representative for Southwestern Association of ALERT Systems (SAAS). |
 | Attended NOAA Strategic 5-Year Planning Workshop in
Washington, DC in February. |
 | Developed presentation on accessing the District's ALERT System for the ASFPM Milwaukee, WI conference in May. |
 | Speaker at ALERT Users Group conference
in Palm Springs, CA in May. |
 | Participated in study group for the National Research
Council on "The Role of an Information
Network in Reducing Losses from Natural Disasters" in Washington, DC in June. |
 | Speaker at Public Private Partnership
2000 forum on "Real-Time Monitoring and Warning of Natural Hazards" at the
American Geophysical Union in Washington, DC in June. |
 | Participated in FEMA Project Impact, Community
Partnership Workshop for developing a disaster resistant community for Fort Collins in
July. |
 | Participated in NWS Modernized Product
Development Workshop in Boulder in September. |
 | Participated in FEMA/NWS Joint Training Program Focus Group Meeting at FEMA's Emergency Management Institute in Emmitsburg, MD in
September. |
 | Speaker at ALERT~FLOWS East Coast
Users Group conference in Nashville, TN in October. |
 | Speaker at SAAS conference in Austin, TX in October. |
 | Guest speaker at NWS sub-regional meeting in Cheyenne,
WY in December. |
 | Asked to serve on Colorado Water
Conservation Board's Flood Mitigation Assistance Program Grant Review Committee for
1999. |
Ben Urbonas, Chief, Master Planning &
South Platte River Programs
 | Served on the French NOVATECH 98 conference's
scientific group responsible for the evaluation of abstracts and the selection of
conference papers, and attended the conference in early May. |
 | Continuing as a Principal co-investigator (Eric Strecker & Jonathan Jones principal
co-investigators) for an EPA funded ASCE effort to
develop Nationwide BMP Evaluation Data Management software and to accumulate and evaluate
BMP data for performance and its relationships to design parameters. |
 | Organized and chaired a session on the topic of South Platte River at the Water
Resources Planning and Management Division of ASCE Specialty Conference in Chicago in May,
1998. Presented a paper on BMP Data Base Development at this conference. |
 | Continues to Chair the Urban Gauging Networks Committee of the Urban Water Resources
Research Council of ASCE. |
 | Had a refereed paper titled "Design of a Sand Filter for Stormwater Quality
Enhancement" accepted for publication in the Water Environment Research journal,
which will appear in publication in 1998. |
 | Invited as a keynote speaker at the 4th Brazilian Urban Drainage Symposium to be held in
June, 1999. |
 | Spoke about the stormwater NPDES program at the First Annual Urban Land Use Institute
conference held at the Denver University Law School in October, 1998. |
John Doerfer, Project Hydrologist, Master
Planning Program
 | Chairman of the Stormwater Quality Committee, Colorado Association of Stormwater and
Floodplain Managers (CASFM). |
 | Chairman of Awards Committee, 1998 CASFM Annual Conference. |
 | Speaker at 1998 NAFSMA/APWA workshop on Phase II Stormwater Issues in Denver in
September. |
 | Speaker on Volume 3 Update and Panelist on Structural BMPs at CASFM Conference in
Steamboat Springs in September. |
Mark Hunter, Chief, Maintenance Program
 | Member of International Erosion Control Association (IECA)
standards committee on riprap and standards committee on articulating blocks. |
 | Secretary of the Board of Directors for the IECA-Mountain States Chapter. |
Paul Hindman, Project Engineer, Design and
Construction Program
 | Volunteer chairman for 1999 APWA Congress and
Equipment Exposition to be held in Denver. |
 | Treasurer of the Colorado Chapter of APWA. |
 | Presented "Update to Storm Sewer Pipe Material, Technical Memorandum" at APWA
spring conference in Grand Junction and Inspectors conference in Northglenn. |
Bryan Kohlenberg, Project Engineer, South Platte
River Program
 | Co-authored, with Ben Urbonas, and presented "Maintaining an Urban River" at ASCE's 25th Annual Water Resources Planning and Management
Division and Environmental Engineering Division Joint Conference in Chicago in June. |
 | Continued as NSPE's scoring coordinator for the
Jefferson Chapter and Colorado State MATHCOUNTS
competitions for 7th and 8th graders. |

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