Stormwater Permit Activities
John T. Doerfer
Project Hydrologist, Master Planning Program
The District continued to assist the cities of Denver, Aurora, and Lakewood in 1998 to
implement their municipal stormwater permits. In accordance with the Clean Water Act, the
cities must fully implement all permit requirements within three years of permit issuance.
The three cities have met all interim permit deadlines and are on schedule to be in full
compliance by June 10, 1999.
During 1998, the following programs were developed:
 | New Development Program
Denver and Aurora adopted additional ordinances to require new development and
redevelopment to include permanent structural best management practices (BMPs). Lakewood
will complete its program in 1999 after formation of the stormwater utility approved in
August. Although each city's requirements and administrative process are different, they
are generally similar in nature. All three cities adopted Volume 3 of the District's Urban
Storm Drainage Criteria Manual defining appropriate BMPs and design criteria. Review of
drainage plans and inspection of constructed BMPs are included in this program. |
 | Construction Sites Program
Each city developed a program requiring erosion and sediment control at construction
sites. Site plans will be reviewed and approved, and sites inspected by city staff.
Enforcement actions are also defined. Volume 3 provides the technical basis for BMPs. In
addition, a training course for contractors at Red Rocks Community College was developed
earlier by the District and CDOT as part of this program. |
 | Public Education Program
Three brochures were developed for distribution in the spring of 1999: (1) Managing Your
Household Wastes, (2) Caring for Your Lawn and Garden, and (3) Managing Your Construction
Site. These are directed at the general public and offer ways to reduce stormwater
pollution. We are also coordinating this effort with a statewide public education campaign
by the League of Women Voters. |
 | Monitoring Program
Water quality sampling during storm events at five sites on the South Platte River and
tributaries was initiated in 1997. Under a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Geological
Survey, equipment was installed and 4 to 8 rainfall events were monitored in 1998 at each
site. One snowmelt event will be monitored each year for the next four years. |
 | Data Management
A software program was updated this year to manage storm drainage system data collected by
the cities, such as outfall locations, dry-weather outfall sampling results and industries
within the city. This database helps prepare the annual report submittal to the State. |
In the future the three cities must assess the feasibility of retrofitting their
existing flood-control facilities. In addition, they must identify the BMPs they will use
for non-stormwater discharges such as street washing and municipal swimming pools. With
the completion of those efforts, the three cities will have fully developed and
implemented their stormwater management programs.
The District also assisted Arapahoe County to prepare its permit application submitted
in July 1998. The District will continue to assist local governments to prepare for the
Phase II stormwater rule expected to be finalized in March 1999. These permit applications
will be due in June 2002.

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