F2P2 Notifications

MHFD’s Email Subscription Service

F2P2 Flood Threat Alerts (SMS/MMS):

Adams County Subscribe Unsubscribe
Arapahoe County Subscribe Unsubscribe
Aurora Subscribe Unsubscribe
Boulder County Subscribe Unsubscribe
Broomfield County Subscribe Unsubscribe
Denver County Subscribe Unsubscribe
Douglas County Subscribe Unsubscribe
Jefferson County Subscribe Unsubscribe

The above emails are ideal for cellphone text messaging. A convenient link is provided with each message enabling access to the  full-length product. Therefore, it is not necessary to subscribe to the corresponding lists below unless you prefer to have a the entire message emailed for convenience. Smartphone users are encouraged to try the Pushover app.

F2P2 Flood Threat Alerts (long version):

Adams County Subscribe Unsubscribe
Arapahoe County Subscribe Unsubscribe
Aurora Subscribe Unsubscribe
Boulder County Subscribe Unsubscribe
Broomfield County Subscribe Unsubscribe
Denver County Subscribe Unsubscribe
Douglas County Subscribe Unsubscribe
Jefferson County Subscribe Unsubscribe

Daily MESSAGE Potential:

Adams County Subscribe Unsubscribe
Arapahoe County Subscribe Unsubscribe
Aurora Subscribe Unsubscribe
Boulder County Subscribe Unsubscribe
Broomfield County Subscribe Unsubscribe
Denver County Subscribe Unsubscribe
Douglas County Subscribe Unsubscribe
Jefferson County Subscribe Unsubscribe

We recommend selecting a single jurisdiction from the above list for this daily product. The message is short, so it is ideal for cellphone text messaging. The email contains expected rainfall amounts, probabilities of occurrence, and the likelihood or “potential” for an F2P2 MESSAGE later that day. A convenient link is provided enabling access to the full-length product from which the short message content is extracted. Smartphone users are encouraged to try the Pushover app.

Other Forecast Products:
HPO-IMS Subscribe Unsubscribe Daily (usually around 11am) Heavy Precipitation Outlook and Internal MESSAGE Status updates. *See note below.
Storm Track Subscribe Unsubscribe Storm Tracks are issued for storms that have flood potential. They generally include a snapshot of the current radar

*NOTE:  HPO/IMS is the full-length version of the Daily MESSAGE Potential product referenced in the previous table. Therefore, it is unnecessary to subscribe to both. If you subscribe to a list from the previous table, we recommend that you not subscribe to the HPO/IMS list. All location-specific lists provide a convenient link to the full-length product and all of these products contain probabilistic quantitative precipitation forecasts (QPF). A supplemental graphical product containing more detailed location-specific information (QPF-Max) is updated multiple times daily. This map-driven tool effectively replaced a previous QPF text product that was only available on days when the one-hour rainfall potential exceeded 1.5 inches.



The above lists provide a convenient way for you to receive products from MHFD’s Flash Flood Prediction Program (F2P2). To subscribe or unsubscribe, simply click on the corresponding link. Your browser will automatically create your email request. Then send your email without adding any additional content. You may subscribe to as many lists as you like.

IMPORTANT…Your email subscription request must be sent from the email address you wish to subscribe or unsubscribe. To subscribe a cellphone to receive text messages, email the list administrator noting:

  1. The list(s) you wish to subscribe to
  2. Your cell phone number
  3. Your service provider, i.e. Verizon, AT&T, etc.
Join the F2P2 Partners list to receive periodic information about what’s new concerning MHFD Flood Warning Services.

MHFD's Real-Time Flood Detection & Prediction