In 2004, changes have occurred not only at the District level but also in the Design and Construction Program. Dave Lloyd was promoted to Executive Director, which in turn created an opening for the position of Chief of Design and Construction. I was fortunate to be promoted into that position but I only held the title for one week. One of the first items Dave addressed was to change the title of "Chief" to "Manager". I am very excited to hold the position although I have some very big shoes to fill. To fill my old position as Project Engineer, Laura Kroeger was hired in August (see New Employee Spotlight). Also, Ken MacKenzie continued on as a Project Engineer in the program.
In 2004, the Design and Construction Program committed $9.0 million to projects throughout the Denver Metropolitan area. As shown in the attached table, the Design and Construction Program continues to manage over 90 projects. Some have been ongoing for many years with multiple phases while others are just getting started.
A couple of projects deserve special recognition. One of those is the Van Bibber Creek Flood Control Project by the Corps of Engineers. As mentioned in last year's Flood Hazard News, the project was bid in the fall of 2003 and construction began in early 2004. Ken MacKenzie, the District's Project Engineer assigned to the Project, continues to manage the construction project for the District that requires a close relationship with the on-site Corps of Engineers personnel as well as the regional Omaha Nebraska office. Construction is tentatively set for the spring of 2006. The following photograph is during construction of the large box culvert being installed through the parking lot of the Safeway grocery store. It should be noted that during the construction the Safeway remained open for business.
Another project that saw completion of its second phase is the Piney Creek Stabilization project. In 2004, Asia Civil, Inc. completed eight (8) drop structures for Arapahoe County, in Conjunction with the District,between Parker Road and Buckley Road. Each drop structure was a vertical sheet pile with a steel cap. Extensive wetland plantings, as well as a wetland mitigation area, were constructed to offset the wetland area that was disturbed during construction. Almost full restoration was achieved within five months of the completion of construction. The District thanks Dennis Buechler with Wetlands and Watersheds, LLC for the expert assistance given during construction to allow for the success achieved. Additional phases of construction of Piney Creek are planned for future years.
As I reflect on my first six (6) months of managing the Design and Construction Program, I realized the key to success is to have good people working with you. I want to thank Ken and Laura who have made my transition smooth and effortless. I am looking forward to many future years with them as we continue to manage the Design and Construction Program together.